Minister of Students/Community Outreach
(Full/Part Time Ministerial Staff)
Primary Function: The primary requirements are that the person who fulfills this role will be a godly person who is growing in their relationship with the Lord. The MOSCO will be responsible for assisting the church to develop a comprehensive strategy for student spiritual development as well as help the church engage the community by leading outreach efforts. The MOSCO will work with the students during the school year as well as during the summer months to provide opportunities for spiritual learning and growth. The MOSCO is expected to participate in all church related activities involving students. The MOSCO will work under the direction of the Senior Pastor and work in conjunction with other ministerial staff.
Ministry to students includes middle school, high school as well as college aged students
Ministry to students includes middle school, high school as well as college aged students
Duties and responsibilities:
- The MOSCO will support the ongoing student ministry at Eastside Baptist Church. This may be accomplished by building a rapport with not only the students but also the parents and/or guardians as well. Also, the MOSCO should model a Christ like lifestyle in all daily activities.
- The MOSCO must subscribe to the Baptist Faith and Message (2000), as well as the vision, values and beliefs of Eastside Baptist Church. They must be willing to follow the vision as set forth by the leadership of Eastside Baptist Church. Develop and cast a vision for student ministry and community outreach that will align with the overall vison of Eastside Baptist Church.
- The MOSCO should be able to work without direct supervision and make quick, sound decisions.
- The MOSCO should be willing to engage the parents/guardians and understand they are vital to the mission and success of the student ministry.
- The MOSCO should be willing to communicate with and come alongside families, especially in times of crisis.
- The MOSCO will be responsible for submitting an annual budget to the stewardship committee with the understanding of all budgetary requirements/needs to fulfil the mission of student ministry and community outreach. The MOSCO will oversee any “fund raising” activities by the youth.
- The MOSCO will, in conjunction with other ministerial staff, develop and provide a diverse program for students that will point them towards maturity in Christ. This may include, camps, retreats, group meetings, mission opportunities, Bible Studies, which will be open to all students. The MOSCO will also coordinate an overall curriculum plan for the ongoing discipleship of students.
- The MOSCO will act as a liaison between the student group, church and community activities.
- The MOSCO will be expected to attend all staff meetings or special called staff meetings as needed.
- The MOSCO will be active in the local schools, and extracurricular activities, involving students, as time allows.
- The MOSCO will communicate with all students and parents/guardians, concerning activities, events/programs using all available resources. (Email, website, apps, social media, etc.)
- The MOSCO will be expected to update and help maintain the student portion of the website as needed.
- The MOSCO will ensure the child/student protection policy is observed in ALL student meetings/outings. Be knowledgeable of all ethical and safe practices that minimize the churches’ liability
- The MOSCO may be called upon to perform other duties by Eastside Baptist Church’s leadership.
- The MOSCO will preach and teach as needed under the direction of the Senior Pastor
- The MOSCO will perform other duties as directed by the Senior Pastor.